Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dumb Girls

This post happens everywhere not just here so i hope a lot of people understand..the question i ask is..why do a lot of girls seem to go after guys who think its the thing to do to get drunk and do bad things?? i mean i see these guys and that is all they do..they have no future and yet girls seem to like that. I don't understand. And in my case for some reason its the girl(s) i like that go after these guys. I mean i could choose to do those things and ruin my life and not worry about my future..but i care about myself and have goals in life. I guess there are some girls who don't care about that stuff, and that just shows i need to look elsewhere for a girl, who has the same goals as me.


  1. Some girls, I believe, like these guys because they think and like the idea that they can change them. They see potential to be something besides a huge waste a human flesh. They like playing God, transforming men from drunken losers to hard working smart winners. Something like that... I'm guessing.

  2. well some girls..most girls i see date these guys and do whatever they tell them to do, thus ruining their life

  3. Such a tragedy. Why would you even want a girl like that? She's obviously not very bright.

  4. I guess i just see the potential that girl has..
